A new descriptor based on wavelet transform is proposed and used to match objects’partial shape under affine transform. The algorithm firstly partitions the contour into many sub-curve based on division points. Then, in order to describe the curve more accurately, a new feature point, namely equal area segmentation point, is defined and extracted in this paper. According to the feature points, a new local feature descriptor is constructed to act as criteria for contour. Equal area segmentation point is sampled from each sub-curve and it can be employed to describe the curve more precisely than the common feature points such as corners, points of tangency, inflection points. It can solve the problem that the smooth curve has fewer feature points so that curve can not be described precisely. The equal area segmentation points and the recognition vectors constructed by this paper are local descriptors and invariant under affine transformation. So the matching method is robust under occlusion and affine transformation. The theory analysis and experimental results have shown the algorithm is effective.