采用陷阱法对位于华北平原的河北肃宁、山东高唐和山东曹县3 个不同地区的有机和常规管理农田的地表节肢动物进行取样调查,分别从节肢动物分目、鞘翅目分科和步甲科分种3 个分类水平,比较分析了不同农业管理措施下农田中不同生物类群的多样性、结构组成和分布状况,以评估有机管理对生物多样性的影响,以及该影响是否因指示生物的分类水平不同而存在差异.结果显示,就有机和常规农田间的物种多度比较而言,曹县有机农田各生物类群的多度均大于常规农田,高唐只有节肢动物多度在有机农田显著大于常规农田,而肃宁3 个分类水平的物种多度在有机和常规农田间差异均不显著;就有机和常规农田间的物种丰度比较而言,除曹县在鞘翅目和步甲科分类水平2 种农田间有显著差异外,其余地区各类群均无显著差异;此外,就有机和常规农田中各生物类群的群落结构比较而言,仅在曹县有明显差异,在高唐仅部分存在差别,而在肃宁却没有明显差异.总体上,有机农田节肢动物、鞘翅目和步甲科的生物多样性更高,且地表节肢动物群落结构在有机与常规管理下存在差异,但是有机和常规农田中生物多样性的差异也因研究地区及分类水平的不同而不同,可能与从事有机管理的时间长短有关;节肢动物分目、鞘翅目分科和步甲科分种3 个不同分类水平的生物类群在指示有机和常规管理对生物多样性影响时结果略有差异,但反映的总体趋势基本一致,说明可以在一定程度上采用较高层次分类的数据,即节肢动物分目或鞘翅目分科数据指示有机生产的环境影响,从而减少分类难度并提高工作效率,但步甲科分种水平的多样性状况具有更高的灵敏性.
A field survey was carried out by sampling using pitfall trapping method to investigate diversity of soil surface arthropods in organic and conventional fields in Suning of Hebei and Gaotang and Caoxian of Shandong in the North China Plain. Comparison analysis was made of diversities at three taxonomic levels, such as the order of Arthropoda, the family of Coleoptera and the species of Carabidae, structural composition and distribution of different arthropod communities, rel?ative to farming pattern, organic or conventional, so as to evaluate effect of organic farming on biodiversity in farmlands and determine whether difference exists between evaluations using bioindicators different in taxonomic level. Results show that ( 1) in Caoxian County, organic fields were higher than conventional fields in abundance of Arthropoda at all the three taxonomic levels;in Gaotang County, it was so only in abundance of the suborder of Arthropoda and in Suning County, no big difference was found in abundance of Arthropoda at all the three taxonomic levels between the two farming patterns. ( 2) in terms of richness of Arthropoda, significant differences were found between the two farming patterns at the taxonom?ic levels of the family of Coleoptera and the species of Carabidae in Caoxian County only;besides, in terms of community structure, significant difference was found only in Caoxian County, partial difference in Gaotang County and nothing signif?icant in Suning County. On the whole, organic fields are much higher than conventional fields in biodiversity of the three groups of arthropods and differences exist between the two farming patterns in structure of arthropod communities in the soil surface. However, the differences between the variance with region and taxonomic level, which may be attributed to the number of years the fields have been under organic management. Evaluations of biodiversity in organic and conventional fields using bioindicators based on different taxonomic levels may differ slightly, but basically con