方位多通道合成孔径雷达(SAR)可有效抑制多普勒模糊以实现高分辨率宽测绘带(High—Resolution Wide-Swath,HRWS)成像。通道间的幅相误差以及位置测量误差都将影响多普勒模糊抑制性能。通过分析单星方位多通道SAR系统的通道相位误差特性,该文提出一种基于回波数据的通道相位误差时域估计方法。该方法首先利用相邻通道间的回波数据进行干涉处理,其干涉相位包含回波多普勒中心信息以及相邻通道间的相位偏差信息。然后利用循环相消方法消除通道间相位偏差的影响,提取出原始回波的多普勒中心。最后,通过对去除多普勒中心分量后的通道间干涉相位进行积分,即可得到各通道相对于参考通道的相位误差。该文方法不仅可以有效地估计通道间的相对相位偏差,还可对原始回波的多普勒中心进行有效地估计。仿真实验验证了该文算法的有效性。
Multi-channel SAR in azimuth, which can be used to suppress the Doppler ambiguity to get the High-Resolution Wide-Swath (HRWS) SAR images, suffers from the amplitude and phase mismatch among the channels, as well as the position measurement inaccuracy of the antenna phase centers. Based on the analysis of the phase error characteristics of the multi-channel SAR, this paper presents a novel data-based phase error estimation method in time-domain. Firstly, the echoes in time-domain received by the adjacent channels are processed to get interferometric phases, which consist of the Doppler centroid information and the difference of the phase biases between the adjacent channels. The Doppler centroid can be extracted by circular integral of the adjacent interferometric phases. Finally, the phase bias between each channel and the reference one can be obtained by integral of the interferometric phase subtracted by the phase of the Doppler centroid. Using the presented method, both the phase bias and the Doppler centroid of the raw echoes can be effectively estimated. The performance of presented method is validated by the experiments of simulated spaceborne multi-channel SAR data.