Differentiated somatic cells can be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) by transduction of a defined transcription factors. Undoubtedly, iPS-cell technology is a great breakthrough of stem cell research field in recent years. As a novel method for achieving an embryonic-like state without the ethical dilemma of destroying human embryos, iPS-cell technology elicit a great promise for patient-specific cell therapy and regenerative medicine. In addition, iPS-cell technology provides novel platforms for research of reprogramming mechanism and pathological process of human disease. However, the present development of pluripotent cells from individual somatic cells just opened up a new door to stem cell research world, much work remains to be done before iPS cells can be considered as a clinically reliable cell source. Here, the iPS cell research advances in recent years were reviewed and the feasible applications of iPS-cell technology were discussed.