Based technology, the Maji conc agou this area; dedolomit on the observation authors study the Formation in the north that dolomitization and the other way round, ization are bad; Kar good reservoirs by modi tectonic development th ficatio stific n of of cores and slices and using sedimentary theory and SEM/CI. diagenesis of carbonate rock in Member 5-4-1 of Ordovician of the Jingbian gasfield of Ordos basin. The authors reach a corrosln recrysta , as we llization ation makes the 11 as degypsification are favorable to reservoirs of and compaction-pressolution, accompanied most important hole-network system, which burial corrosion. According e diagenesis character e authors generalize the diagenesis stage and divide the diagenesis into 3 diagenetic facies and 4 diagenetic parfacies. The degypsumization micritic facies is better than the degysumization-dedolomitisation calcite dolomite exploration, the micritic dolomite diagenetic facies and the karst micritic dolomite are not favorable for the development of holes.