选择林龄为4(K4)、7(K7)、19(K19)和43 a(K43)的人工秋茄(Kandelia candel)林,以及两片光滩(NF1和NF2)作为对照,比较福建九龙江口不同恢复时间的秋茄红树林内大型底栖动物的分布特征.林内大型底栖动物的物种数大于光滩,K4、K7的物种数大于K19,K43.在获得的22种大型底栖动物中,弧边招潮(Uca arcuata)、秀丽长方蟹(Metaplaxelegans)、可口革囊星虫(Phascolosoma esculenta)和黑口滨螺(Littoraria melanostoma)为优势种.秋茄幼林内的优势种为秀丽长方蟹,而弧边招潮则是光滩和K19、K43的优势种.腹足类主要分布在K4、K7.K19和K43的底栖动物群落结构相似,但与K4和K7不同,说明恢复时间达到19年后,秋茄红树林内大型底栖动物群落的发育趋于稳定.
Distribution properties of benthic macro-faunal communities were compared among rehabilitated Kandelia candel forests with different ages in Jiulongjiang River Estuary,China. From July 2005 to April 2006,seasonal surveys were conducted within four representative forests K4, K7 ,K19 and K43 with ages of 4,7,19 and 43 years, respectively. Two non-vegetated flats (NF1 and NF2) were set as the controls. Numbers of faunal taxa in rehabilitated forests were higher than non-vegetation flats,while younger forests (K4 and K7) generally had more macro benthic faunal species than older ones (K19 and K43). Among the total 22 species recorded,Uca arcuata, Metaplax elegans, Phascolosoma esculenta and Littoraria melanostoma were dominant. Macro benthic faunal community structures were different among the four rehabilitated K. candel forests. The dominant species in younger forests was M. elegans,while U. arcuata dominated over M. elegans in NF1 and NF2 older forests. Gastropods were abundant in younger forests. Since both benthic macro-faunal community and vegetation were similar between K19 and K43, rehabilitated K. candel mangrove was considered steady 19 years after replanting.