在运用内容分析法分析1 400份IT驻点外包员工离职访谈记录的基础上,结合IT驻点外包员工的入职周期变化规律和年龄变化规律,针对IT驻点外包人员的离职动机问题进行了相关研究。研究结果表明,个人发展与项目安排考虑、薪酬待遇因素、工作地域与家庭因素、工作压力不适应4类因素是IT驻点外包员工的主要离职影响因素。然后,据此提出了IT外包企业对驻点外包员工进行及时心理疏导和离职干预的相关策略。研究结果可为我国IT外包企业的有关管理实践有所借鉴和指导。
In view of the turnover rate of IT staffing becoming more and more high in recent years, how to find out the resignation motivation and propose the targeted solutions strategy for the IT staffing person- nel, becomes an important issue facing the development of IT outsourcing companies. Based on 1,400 resig- nation interviews records of IT staffing personnel, the resignation motivation of the job occupation cycle and age variation was studied by using the content analysis methodology to study the resignation motivation factors for the IT staffing personnel, and mining the underlying causes for the turnover of IT staffing personnel. The results could be used for the IT outsourcing company to provide psychological counseling and employment-re- lated policy interventions for the IT outsourcing staff, and could also provide macro policy guidance for the de- velopment of IT outsourcing industry in China.