The complete genome sequence of sorghum which downloaded from the NCBI public databases was used for a simple sequence repeated SSR search. The result showed that there were 87 950 SSR loci and 1 134 kinds of repetition about the results in all. The proportion of dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats was placed on the first place, accounting for 43.36% and 32.38% of the all. SSR primers of sorghum were designed ba- sing on the search results of SSR, according to use the e-PCR to validate and screen primers two times ,50 pairs of primers were arbitrarily selected and synthesized to evaluate these primers by sorghum-sudangrass hybrids such as Xian-Feng and Le-Shi. The results showed that there were 46 target bands among 50 pair primer, and the target bands were characterized clearly and steadily, of which only 8 pairs had polymorphism. It indicated that the polymorphism of sorghum designed primers in non-coding region was not higher than the EST-SSR primers, but it played a complementary and catalytic role on the development of SSR primers in sorghum.