8.2 ka B.P.、5.5 ka B.P.和4.0 ka B.P.事件为全新世3次典型的气候突变事件。本文以海岱文化区的主体——山东作为研究区域,综合分析全新世古气候变化、新石器考古文化等方面的资料,研究认为3次气候事件在研究区具有不同的响应方式,对海岱文明的影响也各不相同。其中,8.2 ka B.P.和5.5 ka B.P.事件均以干冷为特征,分别对研究区后李文化的产生和大汶口文化的发展起到了促进作用;4.0 ka B.P.事件是一次洪水与干冷事件前后接踵的组合事件,它通过不同的影响机制导致了研究区各个区域的史前文明在4.0 ka B.P.事件前后普遍发生衰退。
There were several climatic events in the Holocene,and the 8.2 ka BP,5.5 ka BP and 4.0 ka BP events were significant ones of them.Based on the synthesis of the published Holocene climatic records and present archaeological materials,we find that these significant Holocene events show different climatic patterns and have different impact on the human activity in Shandong Province.Both the 8.2 ka BP and 5.5 ka BP events in this area have cold and dry climatic features.The former produced Houli Culture and the latter promoted the development of Dawenkou Culture.Flood and the following cold-dry climate featured the 4.0 ka BP event,and led to the collapse of Longshan Culture in Shandong Province.