系统记述了自2001年以来从贵州省毕节扒耳岩洞穴堆积中出土的偶蹄目化石:最后"双齿尖河猪"("Dicoryphochoerus"ultimus)、麂(未定种)(Muntiacus sp.)、凤岐祖鹿(?)(Cervavitus?fenqii)、黑鹿(相似种)(Cervus(R.)cf C.(R.)unicolor)、羚牛(未定种)(Budorcas sp.)、山羊亚科(属种未定)(Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.)、羚羊(未定种)(Gazella sp.)、斯迈提丽牛(未定种)(Leptobos(Smertiobos)sp.)8个种类。毕节扒耳岩巨猿动物群中的偶蹄类与广西柳城巨猿洞和湖北建始龙骨洞的偶蹄类可比性最大。毕节偶蹄类含有较多的古老种类,指示其地质时代为早更新世早期;同时显示其生态环境为植被既有密集的丛林又有开阔的草地(或草坡),局部镶嵌有半开阔树林,而附近分布有一定的水域,气候温暖,非常适合高等灵长类栖息。
A series of excavations on the fissure deposits at Baeryan(27°22′12″N,105°15′16″ E),Bijie Municipality,Guizhou Province,have been carried out since 2001.Some Gigantopithecus teeth and many mammalian fossils were uncovered.The bottom of deposits measures 1630 m above sea level,or 40 m above nearby river surface.The Artiodactyla uncovered from the deposits are as follow: "Dicoryphochoerus " ultimus,Muntiacus sp.,Cervavitus? fenqii,Cervus(R.) cf.C.(R.) unicolor,Budorcas sp.,Caprinae gen.et sp.indet.,Gazella sp.,Leptobos(Smertiobos) sp.The artiodactyls from Bijie have five same taxa as those from Gigantopithecus Cave of Liucheng and Longgudong of Jianshi,three or less as those from Longgupo of Wushan,Danawu of Yuanmou and Renzidong of Fanchang.It implies its age should be between that of the Gigantopithecus Cave and Longgudong and,likely,the early stage of the early Pleistocene.Based on the habitats and nature of artiodactyls,the identified taxa from Bijie imply an eco-environment with both jungles and open grass lands(slopes),enchased with some forests and water areas and in a subtropical-temperate climate,very favorable for inhabitation of higher primates as Gigantopithecus.