CMM/CMMI(capability maturity model/CMM integration)自1999年开始为中国软件企业所接受并逐步得以推广,但目前中国实施CMM/CMMI的企业还不多,有些企业实施效果并不理想.通过调查软件企业在实施CMM/CMMI过程中存在的问题,并对发现的问题及其负面影响进行分析,提出了基于PDCA(plan—do—check-action)的软件过程控制与改进模型,开发了SoftPM软件质量管理平台.该平台的广泛应用表明,该模型对提高CMM/CMMI的企业软件过程的效率和改善实施效果很有帮助.
CMM/CMMI (capability maturity model/CMM integration) has been accepted since 1999 by Chinese software organizations, and widely used since then. But there are limited number of CMM/CMMI users in China. By launching a survey, problems of using CMM/CMMI are identified, and the negative impact is analyzed. Based on the analysis, a PDCA(plan-do-check-action)-based software process control and improvement model is presented, and the SoftPM which is based on the model has been developed. The SoftPM has been widely used in China, which proves the effectiveness of the model to solve the problems identified in the survey. Software process effectiveness and efficiency are also improved for those software organizations that are using or will use CMM/CMMI.