A novel dynamic contract-net-protocol algorithm based on the evaluation system is proposed for the coordi nated optimization of hybrid generation system. A distributed coordinated multiagent system (MAS) is built based on the characteristics of the distributed hybrid generation system. Each basic renewable generation unit is viewed as an electrical source agent (ESA). The energy management system is viewed as the management coordinated agent (MCA). All ESA in an area constitute an agent domain registered and controlled by the MCA. All agent domains are gathered together to form a distributed network structure. In this structure, a novel dynamic contractnet protocol algorithm based on the eval uation system optimally coordinates the power generation, which simplifies the bidding procedures, reduces the amount of correspondences, and improves the optimization efficiency. In the bidding process, the MCA is the tenderee, the ESA is the bidder. Bidding is carried out based on the idleness principle according the local environment. The simulation on a small-scale hybrid renewable power system shows that the proposed optimization method realizes the stable operation of the whole generation svstem.