2014年10月采用样线法调查了塔城地区大鸨指名亚种Otis tarda tarda迁徙前期种群分布与集群特征。调查面积约2000 km2。调查期间共记录大鸨54群374只,主要分布于阿不都拉乡、恰夏乡和168团3个区域。受食物可利用度影响,迁徙前期塔城大鸨主要在冬小麦和春小麦留茬地中采食。不同分布区域和栖息地类型没有影响大鸨的平均集群大小。农田生态系统食物资源分布均匀,导致迁徙前期大鸨多集小群,偶集大群,以避免集大群而带来的资源竞争。
Line transect method was used to survey the distribution and grouping pattern of preceding migration of great bustard Otistarda tarda tarda in Tacheng basin in October 2014. The total survey area was 2000 km2. A total of 374 individuals were observed from 54 groups. The great bustards mostly distributed in three areas: Abudula town,Qiaxia town and the 168 regiment. The great bustards were mostly found in winter wheat and stubble wheat agricultural fields due to the abundant food.The mean group size was not influenced by distribution areas or habitat types. In preceding migration,the great bustards usually formed small groups to decrease the food competition due to the evenly distributed food resource in agro-ecosystem.