采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪记录了富含^15N2^16O同位素的一氧化二氮样品在1650-3450 cm-1波段的高分辨振转光谱,得到了该同位素分子超过7300吸收谱线位置的实验值,经分析实验精确度好于5.0×10^-4cm-1.基于有效哈密顿量模型预测和带带转动分析,确定了所有吸收线的归属;获得了29个新吸收带的振转光谱参数,并优化了其他44个吸收带的光谱参数值.并且发现有效哈密顿量模型计算值与吸收谱线位置的实验值最大偏差高达0.7cm-1。
High-resolution ro-vibrational spectroscopy of ^15N2^16O in 1650-3450 cm-1 region is studied using highly enriched isotopologue sample. The positions of more than 7300 lines of ^15N2^16O isotopologue were measured with a typical accuracy of 5.0×10-4 cm-1. The transitions were rovibrationally assigned on the basis of the global effective Hamiltonian model. The band by band analysis allowed for the determination of the rovibrational parameters of a total of 73 bands. 29 of them are newly reported and more rotational transitions have been observed for the others. The maximum deviation of the preidictions of the effective Hamiltonian model is up to 0.70 cm-1 for the ^15N2^16O species.