一、遗址概况及动物遗存出土简况 乃林皋遗址位于内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗新惠镇乃林皋村八组西南部,北距旗政府所在地新惠镇约3公里(图一),蒙语意为“细小的河流”。遗址总面积约15万平方米,2015年的发掘区位于整个遗址的西北部,发掘面积约5.50平方米。
Nailingao site belonged to the Lower Layer of Xiajiadian culture from Xia dynasty to early Shang dynasty, located in the southwest of eight-group in Nailingao village of Xinhui town,Aohan Banner,Chifeng city,Inner Mongolia, was occupied about 15,000 square melers, and the excavation area of 2015 was about 550 square meters in the northwest of the site. The paper analyzed the faunal remains unearthed from the Nailingao site in 2015, and reconstructed the surrounding ecological environment of the site and the utilization of animal resources in the ancient time through the identification and statistics of the faunal remains and the observation of the surface traces on the bones.