In distribution network with single-phase fault, the frequency ranging of traveling wave is the from tens of kHz to hundreds of kHz. When the S-transform is implemented to determine the fault line in distribution network by detecting the tens of kHz high frequency transient component of the fault traveling wave, the moment corresponding to the maximum component in the highest frequency row of the S-transform magnitude matrix of zero modal bus voltage is the real mutation moment of zero modal bus voltage. Then the moment of the first fault traveling wave front is calibrated and recorded as the beginning moment of single-phase fault occurrence. At this moment, the phases of initial current traveling wave front in fault line and sound lines detected by TA at the protection relay device are opposite. The S transform is implemented to fault zero modal currents. The argument difference of the highest frequency row between fault line and sound line is 180° after fault, which makes fault line detectible. The proposed method detects the phase characteristics of traveling wave signal from relatively low high-frequency transient component, which can not only reduce the requirements of traveling wave acquisition and processing speed, but also enhance the capability of high resistance tolerance and anti noise ability. The simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and validity of this approach.