毛竹( Phyllostachys edulis)具有生长速度快、经济价值高等特点,是我国南方集体林区主要经济来源竹种。近年来的研究表明,毛竹还具有较强的固碳能力,其生态价值已引起广泛关注(周国模等,2004;漆良华等,2009;肖复明等,2010; Yen et al.,2011)。实际上,毛竹林多种价值的形成都与生长周期密切相关,掌握毛竹林的生长周期是毛竹林合理经营与利用的前提。
A growth cycle of moso bamboo ( Phyllostachys edulis) stand is an important basis in management decision. In general,there is two years cycle of on-year or off-year phenomenon during moso bamboo stand growing. This study used a less disturbed moso bamboo stand in Tianmu Mountain National Nature Reserve of Zhejiang Province as a research object ,one permanent plot of 100 m × 100 m was established and divided into 100 units by adjacent grid inventory and has been annually surveyed for 5 years. The spectrum analysis of time series was applied to explore the growth cycle of moso bamboo stand. The results show that moso bamboo stand is uneven-aged forest,and its age diversity increases year after year from 1 -14 year to 1 -18 year during investigation. It was especially found that there is cycle diversity during the growth of moso bamboo stand. The cycle diversity includes two years cycle,three years cycle and six years cycle. Among the multiple cycles,two years cycle and six years cycle are significant. Therefore,the growth characteristics of multiple cycles,especially two years cycle and six years cycle,should be considered in moso bamboo stand management decision to take reasonable management measures to realize moso bamboo stand sustainable management.