糖尿病是严重威胁人类健康的疾病,早期干预可以延缓其发生发展。近年来,中医药治疗糖尿病前期受到越来越多的关注。我们分析中医药治疗糖尿病前期领域的研究现状,并根据目前的研究热点预测未来的发展趋势,为以后的研究方向提供参考依据。我们以Cochrane library、Pubmed、Embase、中国知网、维普数据库、万方数据知识服务平台、生物医学文献数据库(CBM)为检索对象,检索关于中医药治疗糖尿病前期的文献,并对其进行文献计量学分析。我们利用文献管理软件Note Express对符合纳入标准的210篇文献进行统计分析。从文献的年代分布、期刊分布、作者分布、作者所在单位分布、文献类型分布、所涉及的干预方法的分布及文献的高频关键词分布等方面,初步探讨中医药治疗糖尿病前期的研究现状、热点和趋势。将文献计量学方法运用于中医文献的分析对临床和科研工作的具有重要指导作用。
Diabetes is a kind of disease which threatens human's health,early intervention can delay its occurrence and development. In recent years,traditional Chinese medicine( TCM) on treatment of pre-diabetes gets more and more attention. We analyze the research status of TCM on treatment of pre-diabetes,and forecast the future development trend according to the current research hotspots,to provide reference for future research. The Cochrane library,Pubmed,Embase,Chinese Knowledge Network,Weibu database,Wanfang data knowledge service platform and biomedical literature database( CBM) were adopted as the retrieval objects to searching the literatures of TCM therapy of pre-diabetes,and the bibliometric analysis was carried on. 210 literatures accordance with inclusion criteria were analyzed by Note Express. The article preliminarily discusses the research status,hot points and trends of TCM therapy of pre-diabetes in the field of the distributions of literature times,journals,authors,the unit of authors,literature types,intervention methods and the high frequency keywords,etc. Applying Bibliometrics Methods to the analysis of TCM literature plays an important role in clinical and scientific research.