介绍了增强型地热系统(EGS)的技术原理及增强型地热资源所具有的分布广、对环境污染小、可循环利用等优点。阐述了我国干热岩地热资源前景广阔,大陆地区3~10km深度段干热岩地热资源总量为2.09×10^7EJ,按2%的可开采资源量计算,亦达4.2×10^5EJ,相当于14.3×10^3亿t标准煤,是中国大陆2010年能源消耗总量的4 400倍。以青海共和贵德盆地为例,该盆地干热岩储层的地温梯度为7℃/hm,井深3 000m温度可达200℃。根据典型干热岩储层特征,讨论了我国开展干热岩吸热系统存在的技术难题,并对开展相关研究给出了建议。
This paper analyzes the situation, the development trends, and the vast potential propects of en- ergy and resource in China. It introduces hot dry rock resource technology and its advantages of wide dis- tribution, less pollution, and recycles the potential. Unlike the conventional coal and petroleum resources related to the high level of carbon dioxide emission and other environmental issues, HDR energy is virtual- ly pollution-free resource. China has a vast resource of hot dry rock geothermal energy, about total 3-10 km depth segment hot dry rock geothermal resources as 2.09 × 10^7EJ in mainland of China. Even if only 2 % is exploitable, it is still 4.2 × 10^5 EJ, which is 4 400 times of the total energy consumption in China in 2010. According to the typical hot dry rock reservoir characteristics of China, the technical problem about developing EGS is discussed and the recommendation for carrying out EGS research is proposed in this paper.