为研究莱州湾金城海域人工鱼礁对大型底栖动物的影响,2009—2012年对鱼礁区与对照区的大型底栖动物进行了9次调查,研究底栖动物种类组成、群落结构、种类相似性、生物量、丰度以及多样性的变化和群落稳定性.结果表明:人工鱼礁区与对照区共采集到大型底栖动物4门30科35种,其中鱼礁区30种,对照区27种.调查海域站点按照鱼礁投放与否可分为两个不同的群落,造成群落分组的首要贡献种为浮游生物食者.鱼礁区与对照区种类相似性由鱼礁投放后第一年的37.5%提高到第二年的58.6%.鱼礁区底栖动物生物量由第一年的1.00 g·m-2增加到第二年的1.55 g·m-2,差异显著;丰度由540 ind·m-2增至622 ind·m-2.鱼礁区底栖动物的生物量和丰度均高于对照区.与对照区相比,鱼礁投放后鱼礁区Shannon指数、丰富度指数有所升高,均匀度指数有所降低.丰度/生物量比较(ABC)曲线表明,鱼礁投放后第二年底栖动物群落的扰动较第一年更为明显,说明人工鱼礁投放早期(1~2年)大型底栖动物群落还处于一个被扰动状态.莱州湾金城海域鱼礁投放后大型底栖动物群落变化主要受到物理、化学、生物以及人类活动的影响.
In order to evaluate the impact of artificial reef on the communities of macrobenthos, from 2009 to 2012, samples were collected in four seasons at the artificial reef area and the control area in Jincheng area of Laizhou Bay from 9 cruises. A total of 35 macrobenthos species (4 phyla, 30 families) were recorded in the two areas, with 30 species in the artificial reef area, and 27 spe- cies in the control area. Results suggested that the two macrobenthos communities with different spe- cies composition could be discriminated. One community was located in artificial reef area, the other outside the reef area. Planktophagous group was the most dissimilarity-contributing species. The spe- cies similarity (Jaccard) of the two areas increased from 37.5% in the first year to 58.6% in the second year. The biomass and abundance of macrobenthos in the artificial reef area respectively in- creased from 1.00 g · m-2 and 540 ind · m-2 in the first year to 1.55 g · m-2 and 622 ind · m-2 in the second year, which were both higher than those in the control area. Compared with the control area, the Shannon index and abundance index of the artificial reef area were increased, while the evenness index was decreased. The abundance biomass comparison (ABC) curve showed that the macrobenthos communities were more heavily disturbed in the second year than that in the first year after artificial reef set. It was considered that the macrobenthos community was unsteady at the early stage after artificial reef construction ( 1 - 2 years). The physical, chemical, biological and human activities were the main factors influencing macrobenthos community in Jincheng area of Laizhou Bay.