In many cases unexpected workload spikes are likely to occur due to unpredictable changes in the physi- cal environment. In this paper we present a mixed-criticality driven asymmetric overload-protected shortest slack scheduling algorithm that implements an alternative protection scheme to avoid the criticality inversion problem. Sections I through 4 of the full paper explain our algorithm mentioned in the title, which we believe is new and ef-fective and whose core consists of: "This algorithm can be used with rate monotonic based preemptive scheduler with deadline driven scheme to resume the blocked tasks. The potential processor utilization of the new algorithm can reach 100%. Section 1 briefs relevant past research. Section 2 deals with the model of the objects to be sched-uled and relevant semantics. Section 3 deals with the problem of criticality inversion. Section 4 deals with our algo- rithm mentioned in the title. " The experimental results, presented In Figs. 2 through 5 and Table 2, show prelimi-narily that our new algorithm provides performance higher than those of two existing algorithms for mix-criticality task scheduling.