Tianshan Mountains and the nearby mountains are one of the main distribution regions of Arabidopsis thaliana and its closely related species in the world. Based on comprehensive field surveys on the distribution of A. thaliana in the Tianshan-Altay mountain region, 13 plots in low mountain zone Shihezi, the 143rd Corps, Shawan, Dushanzi, Yili Guozigou, Emin and Ahay were seleeted and 18 environmental factors were measured, the relationship between A. thaliana populations distribution and environmental faetors were studied. Classifieation of the vegetation was analyzed using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) technique. Ordination techniques as detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used to examine the relationships between vegetation and environmental parameters. Lastly, the correlation coefficients between cruciferous species, A. thaliana and environmental variables were also examined. The results showed that 13 plots were classified into 4 community types by TWINSPAN using important values (IV) data of 53 main species: Seriphidium kaschgaricum, Seriphidium kaschgaricum-Salsola collina, S.kaschgaricum- Cara acanthophylla-Carex liparocarpos, and Myosotis sylvatica-Bromus sewerzowii-C, liparocarpos. And environmental heterogeneity obviously appeared between each community type. Distribupos. And environmental heterogeneity obviously appeared between each community type. Distributions of community types in DCA, PCA and CCA ordination figures showed obvious distinction, and they corresponded to species distribution well. The result was basically the same as TWINSPAN classification. PCA analysis on environmental factors showed that slope, organic matter, electric conductivity, pH, soil moisture and available potassium (both 2 soil layers) were the main factors affecting environmental heterogeneity in different plots, and these factors were most significantly associated with each other. CCA analysi