云南天文台射电天文研究团组采用40m射电望远镜以及数字基带转换器(Digital Base Band Conveter,DBBC)数据采集终端、Mark5B记录系统和DSPSR(The Digital Signal Processing for Pulsars)软件包实现对脉冲星观测数据的相干消色散处理的脉冲星观测系统。该系统对PSRJ0835—4510和PSRJ0332+5434进行观测,采用DSPSR软件包对脉冲星观测处理,还可以生成PSRFITS格式的数据。观测频段选用S波段右旋圆极化信号,分别实现了2通道总带宽为4MHz、4通道总带宽为16MHz、8通道总带宽为128MHz的观测和数据处理。构建以DSPSR为数据处理核心的脉冲星观测系统,比DBBC+Mark5B的观测系统在数据处理方法、运算效率和观测数据的通用性方面具有更好的优越性。
Some observations of PSR J0332+5434 and PSR J0835-4510 were carried out by the radio astronomy group in the YNAO (Yunnan Observatories ) using pulsar observation system based on a DBBC (Digital Base Band Converter) backend data acquisition system, a Mark 5B recording system, and the DSPSR (Digital Signal Processing for Pulsars) software. The RCP (Right Circular Polarization) S-band was selected for the observations. We used 2 channels with a total bandwidth of 4MHz, 4 channels with a total bandwidth of 16MHz, and 8 channels with a total bandwidth of 128MHz. The DSPSR was used for the coherent dedispersion of the data with the results in the PSRFITS format if needed. The entire pulsar observation system has better data processing methods, higher calculation efficiency, and more adaptability to data as compared to an old system only with DBBC and Mark 5B.