It is of great significance to prevent and defuse financial risks by measuring the macro financial risk with financial stress index, and analyzing the financial stress and the dynamic effect of macroeconomy. The author selects 7 key indicators to reflect the actual changes in the financial markets to build China's financial stress index, and measures China's financial stress status during the period of January 2002--June 2016. We further conclude that China is in the phase of high financial risk, and is likely to face higher long-term financial pressure. Second, according to the area system transformation characteristics, we use nonlinear MSVAR model to analyze the dynamic effects between financial stress and macroeconomy, and find that the interaction of financial stress and macroeconomic in three regimes are significant, and there is a "ratchet effect". It is more significant in two states of "low stress" and "high stress" than in the condition of "middle stress" in financial pressure and macroeconomy. Finally, this paper summarizes and puts forward policy recommendations as to improve financial regulation ability, strengthen financial risk control, and deepen the financial reform of the "supply side".