Point clouds captured by three dimensional scanner have been used in many fields, including modeling of digital cities, acquisition of three dimensional shapes, scene analysis and object measuring. However, due to the limitation of the sampling process and the complexity of scanned scenes, most traditional methods of surface model ing and three dimensional space analysis cannot work effectively when dealing with the point cloud data. Classifica tion is therefore an important way for point cloud preprocess. Four features, namely the volume of a tetrahedron constructed by 4 neighboring points, the deviation of normal directions of neighboring points, the deviation of prin- cipal directions of neighboring points, and the values of principal curvature, are mixed with probabilities for semi- automatic classification of the three dimensional point cloud data. With the new method, a point cloud is to be divid ed into three classes: plane points, cylinder points and other points. The initial classification result is labeled accord- ing to its single shape feature value. The probability mixture is completed by estimating the probability of inferring a shape from a local point set with respect to each feature, generating a mixture with weighted sum, and maximizing the mixture probability function, while the probability is estimated with the average distance between a point and its neighbor points together with the consistency ratio of initial labels of the point to its neighbors. User interactions are invoked to make the choice of classification thresholds and the setting of weights, which is helpful when dealing with point cloud with different space scale and scanning point resolution. Experiments show that the proposed method works well for various kinds of point cloud data sets, including point clouds generated by simulation, and those corresponding to a single pine tree, a street scene, a country scene, and an airborne big scene.