The qualities of lychee fruit (Litchi chinensis Sonn. cv. Guiwei) that were produced at four different locations in Guangdong province in 2011 were compared. The locations included Lianjiang, Maoming areas which were in the southern part of Guangdong, and Guangzhou, Shenzhen areas are in the middle of Guangdong. Although Lianjiang Guiwei fruit weighed around 22 g, more than the fruit from the other 3 locations, Lianjiang fruit were detected to be of higher water, lower anthocyanin content in pericarp and lower ratios of sugar/acid in aril, which were considered to be of lower quality. The significantly lower decay indexes of the fruit from Guangzhou and Shenzhen during storage at 20℃, together with other changes, such as water and anthocyanin content in pericarp, and the content of soluble solids(FSS), titratable acid and vitamine C in aril, indicated that the fruit from these areas were more suitable for storage and transportation.