【目的】了解水稻CBL蛋白质在逆境胁迫下的表达模式进而探讨水稻耐逆的分子机理。【方法】采用基于抗体的蛋白质组学策略,以超级杂交稻父本9311为材料,采用免疫印迹(western blotting,WB)技术调查了CBL家族主要成员在冷、热、旱、淹和盐胁迫等5种逆境中的表达特征。【结果】发现CBL1、CBL5和CBL6在冷胁迫中表达下调,CBL1和CBL2在热胁迫中表达下调,CBL1和CBL5在旱胁迫中表现下调,而CBL6、CBL8和CBL10在旱胁迫中表现上调,CBL1、CBL5、CBL6、CBL8和CBL10在淹涝胁迫中表达上调,而CBL2表现下调。【结论】鉴定了水稻在重要逆境胁迫下发生丰度变化的6个CBL蛋白质。
[ Objective ] The objective of this experiment is to investigate the expression profiling of rice calcineurin B-like (CBL) proteins and the mechanism of stress-tolerance. [ Method] The expression patterns of CBL proteins at seedling stage of super hybrid rice parental line 9311 under cold, hot, drought, submerge and salt stresses were surveyed by Western blotting (WB) via antibody-based proteomics strategy. [Result] The results indicated that the expressions of CBL1, CBL5 and CBL6 were down-regulated under cold stress, the expressions of CBL1 and CBL2 were down-regulated under hot stress, the expressions of CBL1 and CBL5 were down-regulated while CBL6, CBL8 and CBL10 were up-regulated under drought stress. The expressions of CBL1, CBL5, CBL6, CBL8 and CBL10 were up-regulated and CBL2 was down-regulated under submerge stress. [Conclusion] Six abiotic stress-related rice CBL proteins were identified.