在对黏菌绒泡菌目淡黄绒泡菌、煤绒菌、针箍菌、大孢钙皮菌、鳞钙皮菌和暗孢钙皮菌6种原生质团形态特征进行观察的基础上,利用能量色散X射线分析( EDX )技术对其冻干粉末进行化学元素组成及质量分数分析。结果表明:6种黏菌原生质团的化学元素组成及质量分数与其形态特征有密切的联系。它们共同含有C、O、Na、Mg、P、S、K、Ca 8种元素,部分含有Al、Si和Cl元素;不同物种中各元素的质量分数不同,C、Na、P和Ca元素质量分数的变化规律与6种黏菌隶属的科分类阶元有关,O、S、K、Mg质量分数与6种原生质团在统一培养条件下爬行时偏好的形态特征有关。
The experiment was conducted to study the type and relative content of chemical element among freeze-dried powder of six plasmodia in Myxomycetes , involving Physarum melleum, Fuligo septica, Physarella oblonga, Didymium megalospo-rum, Didymium squamulosum and Didymium melanospermum, by Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis ( EDX) based on their morphological characteristics .The characteristics of chemical element are closely relative to their morphological character-istics.Eight elements, including carbon, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium and calcium, are in all six plasmodia, and three elements, including aluminium, silicon and chlorine, are only in part of plasmodia.The relative content of chemical element is different in each plasmodium.The relative contents of carbon, sodium, phosphorus and calcium in eachplasmodium are close to its belonged families, and those of oxygen, sulphur, potassium and magnesi-um are close to its preferred morphological characteristics under same cultured condition .