The influences of stop schedule on traction energy consumption and travel time for high-speed railway train were analyzed. The calculating methods of estimating train traction energy consumption were summarized. The service frequency and stop schedule were converted into stop times, the mechanical efficiency was introduced, and the calculating method of estimating train traction energy consumption based on doing-work process was improved. The minimum traction energy consumption and the shortest travel time were taken as optimization objectives, the existing transportation supply was taken as constraint condition, and the optimization model of existing stop schedule was established. Huhang High-speed Railway was taken as a case, and the validity of the proposed model was verified. Reasearch result shows that the stop schedule with the minimum traction energy consumption prefers through trains, the number of stop times reduces, and the number of maximum stop times at intermediate stations is three. Although travel time increases 14 min more than existing stop schedule, traction electricity reduces by'559 kW ~ h per day. In the stop schedule with the shortest travel time, the number of through train is 0, but the rate of train frequencies with one stop times at intermediate stations is 74.4%. Travel time reduces by 12 min and traction electricity increases by 3 299 kW · h per day. The stop schedule with the minimum traction energy consumption and the shortest travel time has an insignificant improvement effect compared with the existing stop schedule. 2 tabs, 3 figs, 25 refs.