为探索黔南野生茶树种质资源的遗传多样性,利用SSR分子标记技术,对黔南60份茶树资源进行了DNA遗传多样性分析。结果表明:15对引物均显示多态性,基因多态性百分率为98.64%。15对SSR引物共扩增出147个观测等位基因和73.778 6个有效等位基因,平均每个引物扩增9.8个观测等位基因,4.918 6个有效等位基因。15个通用位点共产生280种基因型,平均每个位点18.7种基因型。遗传多态信息量变异范围为0.123 9~0.926 8,平均0.572 5,平均观测杂合度、平均期望杂合度和平均Shannons信息指数分别为0.470 0、0.602 3、1.464 4。经聚类分析后,60份材料间遗传相似系数在0.205 1~0.863 6之间,以平均遗传相似系数0.477 5为阈值,可将60份种质资源聚为8个类群,其在分子遗传水平上的分类结果与其材料来源分类的结果并不完全一致,而且材料来源地间遗传距离与地理距离不存在显著的相关性,有少部分同一来源的材料分散在各个类群中。研究认为,黔南茶树资源间的遗传差异较大,遗传基础较宽,具有丰富的遗传多样性。
In this study,fifteen SSR primer pairs with polymorphism were used to assess genetic diversity and relationship of 60 wild tea germplasms from Qiannan prefecture.The results showed that the percentage of polymorphic bands(PPB)was 98.64%.A total of 147 observed alleles and 73.778 6effective alleles were generated,with a mean of 9.8and 4.918 6per locus.Totally 280 genotypes were detected in all materials,with a mean of 18.7for each polymorphism primer pairs.The polymorphism information content varied from 0.123 9to 0.926 8,with an average of 0.572 5.The average observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.470 0and 0.602 3,respectively.The average Shannon's information index was 1.4644.The similarity coefficient among 60 tea germplasms was 0.205 1to 0.863 6.When the similarity coefficient was 0.477 5,eight major groups were generated from all the accessions tested by UPGMA clustering analysis.The results showed that there were no significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance among the tea germplasms,and some individuals in the same population distributed in different groups of the cluster.These results suggested that the materials used in the experiment possessed a broad genetic variation,showing a high level of genetic polymorphism among tea germplasms revealed by SSRmarkers.