Usually it is necessary to use forced ventilation or a large number of ventilation shafts to solve construc- tion phase ventilation problems in large scale underground caverns. Since ventilation shafts are mostly set up in ac- cordance with experience or site conditions, they are generally located at a relatively shallow depth in an oil storage cavern, resulting in a "disordered" ventilation network, leading to poor local ventilation. Shaft depth and the temper- ature difference between inside and outside have a great effect on the natural ventilation of the shaft. Taking the con- struction ventilation of the Jinzhou underground petroleum storage cavern as an example, this paper introduces a cal- culation method for gallery ventilation based on ventilation network theory in order to study the ventilation calcula- tion and equipment configuration for three ventilation configurations in a cavern group. The results show that using the entrance of the construction adits (construction transport channels from the ground into the cavern) as a viable air outlet and forcing in fresh air with an axial flow fan at the shaft mouth results in an orderly circulation in the ven- tilation network. Using a shaft to exhaust air requires more than one fan operating at the same time, which means higher costs and, additionally, the natural ventilation effect of shafts is not sufficient in winter. When the shaft is con- nected to the cavern (i.e., the upper layer of the petroleum storage cavern is completed), it is possible to adopt forced ventilation supplemented by jet flow, or it may be necessary to use full jet flow if the ventilation distance is long.