Anode voltage signal of aluminum reduction is one of the most important parameters to reflect cell status accurately. As a result, detection and analysis for this anode voltage signal is rather valuable and significant. Multi - parameter acquisition and analysis system for aluminum reduction cell in this paper takes PCI - 8602 data acquisition card as the center. Hilbert - Huang Transform method is used to analyze the non - stationary aluminum reduc- tion cell anode voltage signal. The expected finding is the graded separation of the high - frequency noise composition. Analysis include : EMD, HHT and integrate to get marginal spectrum. To contrast with the FFT spectrogram, the Hilbert - Huang Transform method is effective for high resolution and time frequency characteristics in extracting the frequency feature of the signal. Combining with the characteristics of aluminum reduction process, the rationality of the signal frequency and the availability of fault diagnose for aluminum reduction cell. The system software consists of Visual C++ and MATLAB6.0, Microsoft Access 2003 database. MATLAB software is used for data analysis and Access database is for data storage. Visual C++ , as the upper computer software, realizes the data acquisition, real - time display and processing with a friendly interface.