Vinyl-addition copolymerization of norbomene (NB) and polar monomer n-butyl methacrylate (n-BMA) were carried out via two novel high activity catalysts, Ni(Ⅱ) (benzocyclohexan-ketoarylimino)2 (Ni{C10Hs(O)C[2,6-C6H3(CH3)2N]CH3}2, C1) and Ni{C10H8(O)C[2,6-C6H3Cl2N] CH3}2, C2), in combination with tris(pentafluorophenyl) -borance V B ( C6F5 ) 3 1" A possible catalytic deactivation mechanism of polymerization was presented. Influence of monomer feed ratio on catalytic activity, conversion rate and properties of outcomes were investigated. Reactivity ratios of co-monomers were estimated by Kelen-Tudos method, they are rn-BMA = 0. 02, NB = 16. 28, rnB ~ rn.BMA = O. 32 for C1/B ( C6F5 )3 catalytic system, and rn-BMA =0.01, r=MB =64. 83, rNB · rn-BMA =0. 65 for C2/B( C6F5 )3 catalytic system. These indicate the random copolymerization of NB/n-BMA occurs with both C1/B( C6F5 )3 and C2/B(C6F5)3.