In order to extract high robust keypoints for the cognitive navigation of unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV), a method named multi-quantifying Hessian-Affine iterative scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) with adaptive non-maxi- mum suppression (ANMS) is proposed. Considering the demand of well-distributed keypoints, an optimization arithmetic based on ANMS is first presented to choose the keypoints. In order to ensure the chosen keypoints' affine invariant property, a Hessian-Affine iterative arithmetic with an iterative adjusting factor is used to estimate the affine invariant regions, and then the main orientation assignment and cycle descriptor are further realized in the corresponding normalized cycle regions. In view of the deficiencies of analog feature vectors in balanced distribution and correct matching score, a method combining the multiple value quantizatien and reshaping operation is presented to quantify the analog feature vectors. The analysis and simulation results verify this quantifying method as having better properties. Simulation results prove that the method proposed in this paper has higher correct matching score. It is invariant to image rotation and scaling. It can improve the anti- noise property by over 10 dB, and it possesses robust affine invariant property within a large visual angle range.