通信系统普遍受多普勒效应影响,因而载波同步成为通信中的一项关键技术。在水声通信中,由于声速有限,信道中的多普勒效应的影响更为明显。该文在一个基于软件无线电机制的水声扩频通信系统中,对水声信道的多普勒效应进行分析和建模,并在此基础上提出了一种有效的水声扩频多普勒估计与补偿算法。仿真实验表明,算法能够在-22 dB的情况下有效地对15 m/s以内产生的多普勒频移进行估计与补偿。算法经过海试测试,在6节速度及加速减速过程中,系统均能够成功地完成载波同步。
The Doppler effect is inherent in communication systems which makes the carrier synchronization critical to the whole system.In underwater communication environment,the Doppler effect is more severe due to the limited sound speed.In this paper,the Doppler effect of underwater channel is analyzed by formulas on a software-defined radio communication system.Then an effective algorithm is developed which can estimate and compensate the frequency shift.The simulation results show that this algorithm works out within the speed of 15 m/s,when the signal to noise ratio is above-22 dB.The sea experimental results show that the system can successfully achieve the carry wave synchronization with the speed to be 6 knots.