黑色枝小蠹Xylosandrus compactus为长三角地区新记录种,其在上海的寄主植物主要有广玉兰Magnolia grandiflora和悬铃木Platanus spp.。本文描述了黑色枝小蠹的形态特征,阐述了其为害特点和生物学特性。浦东新区部分区域的广玉兰受到黑色枝小蠹的严重为害,个别地块受害株率达65.06%。
This paper reported the black twig borer,Xylosandrus compactus,which was a newrecorded species in Yangtze Delta area. Until now,the borer had the main host trees of Magnolia grandiflora and Platanus spp. In Shanghai. The damage feature,morphological and biological characteristics of X. compactus was described in the paper. Based on field investigation in Pudong NewArea,the borer sereverly damaged M. grandiflora,with the incidence of infested plants reached 65.06% in the most serious area.