为了解大气氟污染对植物、土壤的影响,采用氟离子选择电极法对凯里的植物和土壤的氟含量进行了测定,并对其特征进行了分析.结果表明:该区植物的氟含量在135.62~1420.97 μg/g之间,平均含量为513.99 μg/g;土壤氟含量在240.50~340.36 μg/g之间,平均含量为279.60 μg/g.植物、土壤的氟含量都超过了背景值,该区植物和土壤都受到了不同程度的氟污染.不同植物的氟含量存在较大差异,油茶的氟含量最高,马尾松的氟含量最低.不同类型植物的氟含量不同,灌木>藤本>草本>乔木;常绿植物>落叶植物.不同研究点植物和土壤的氟含量存在差异,但有些植物差异较大,有些差异不明显.
The aim was to study the influence of fluoride from air pollution on the plants and soils. Fluorine contents in plants and soils in Kaili area were monitored by a fluoride ion selective electrode method and their characteristics were discussed. The results showed that fluorine contents of plants and soils in this area with an average of 513.99 μg/g and 279.60 μg/g, ranged from 135.62-1420.97 μg/g and 240.50-340.36 μg/g, respectively. The fluorine contents of plants and soils were both higher than the background values in plants and soils and the plants and soils were polluted. The fluorine contents differed greatly in different species. Camellia olelfera Abel had the highest value while Pinus massoniana Lamb. had the lowest value. There was greater difference among different type plants. The fluorine content of different type plants was as follows: shrub〉 vine〉 herb〉 tree and evergreen plant〉 deciduous plant. The fluorine content of plant and soil in different sites was different. Some plants had obvious difference in their fluorine contents, while some plants did not.