Cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) is an important strategic decision for en-terprises. In the process of M&A implementation, enterprises not only take political, legal, fi-nancial and employee performance risks, but also communication risks, especially at cross-culture circumstances. The authors conduct a single case study on communication strategies for COFCO' s acquisition of Tully Sugar to give reference for other companies with similar situations. The au-thors establish and employ the framework of the relationships among spatial distance, social dis-tance and psychological distance in the communication, and put forward the psychological dis-tance strategies for cross-border M&A communication. The main arguments are that enterprises should keep moderate psychological distance in cross-border M&A communication. (1)The en-terprises should try to shorten the psychological distance in cross-culture communication by shortening the spatial distance and social distance. On the one hand, enterprises could combine interpersonal communication with mass communication together and use varieties communication strategies approaching local publics, Including channels, media and information strategies, etc. On the other hand, enterprises should develop a mutually beneficial relationship with various pub-lics, thus narrow the psychological distance by shortening the social distance among them. (2)The enterprises should keep the psychological distance to some extent when necessary. By keeping the cognitional distance, enterprises need to control the content and dissemination scope of information, and sometimes take a tougher attitude if necessary to keep a certain psychological distance, in order to achieve the communication targets ultimately.