本文总结了大气二次有机气溶胶的重要组分——有机硫酸酯化合物的特征及其形成机制的研究进展,并对相关研究进行了展望。近年来,通过实验室模拟与欧美地区的实际大气气溶胶样品的分析对比,发现有机硫酸酯化合物多由异戊二烯、α-/β-蒎烯以及其他单萜烯和倍半萜烯等经OH自由基、NO3自由基或臭氧氧化后的反应产物与硫酸或硫酸盐气溶胶进一步反应而形成。有机硫酸酯化合物也可以通过硫酸或硫酸盐气溶胶反应性获取乙二醛等羰基化合物而形成。硫酸盐气溶胶酸性的增强会促进有机硫酸酯化合物的生成。有机硫酸酯化合物在水溶液中比较稳定,强酸性条件下才会发生水解作用。目前有机硫酸酯化合物的有效检测手段是离线电喷雾电离质谱(electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,ESI-MS)或在线气溶胶质谱(aerosol mass spectrometry,AMS)方法。
Atmospheric organosulfates refer to sulfate esters and their derivatives that have been identified in ambient secondary organic aerosol(SOA) samples. Recent laboratory and field studies show that organosulfates are derived from the reactions of particulate sulfates or sulfuric acid with compounds formed from hydroxyl radical (OH)/nitrate radical( NO3 )/ozone ( 03 ) -initiated reactions of isoprene, α-/β-pinene, and other monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Organosulfates can also be formed through reactive uptake of carbonyls such as glyoxal by particulate sulfates or sulfuric acid. Enhanced acidity of the sulfate seed particles favors the production of organosulfate. Hydrolysis of organosulfates is slow unless in a highly acidic solution. Offline electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(ESI-MS) and online aerosol mass spectrometry(AMS) are useful methods to detect atmospheric organosulfates.