This paper investigates weaknesses in key schedule by exploiting appropriate related-key differences of AES-192. The exact subkey differences in the fast 8 round can be confirmed, moreover, a part of secrete key can be deduced by the key bridging technique in Asiacrypt'2010. This paper presents a new method for related-key Square attack on 7-round and 8-round AES-192 with weaknesses in key schedule. This attack on the 8-round AES-192 by the balance of Square attack requires about 244's chosen plaintexts, 244.5 memory, and 2^183.5 8-round AES-192 encryptions. Furthermore, this new attack combined with partial sum technique requires about 2442 chosen plaintexts, 244.2 memory, and 2^169.2 8-round AES-192 encryptions.