The aim was to study distribution of deoxynivalenol contamination in different parts and different kinds of corn. Enzyme-linked immunosorhent assy(ELISA) was used for determining the contents of deoxynivalenol in colloid corn and flour corn grain (corn structure: testa, embryo and endosperm), and the distribution of deoxynivalenol in moldy corn and in oversize and undersize of imperfect corn. The results showed that in the whole corn kernel, the deoxynivalenol was mainly distributed in testa; in midew corn, the deoxynivalenol had more contents in higher mould; in imperfect corn, the contents of oversize had more deoxynivalenol than undersize. This survey provided a reference to take off the myeotoxin,to improve the utilization rate of corn and to choose the corn of low deoxynivalenol content.