针对CPM系统的信道容量研究结果进行了综述,并推导计算了Rayleigh衰落信道下CPM的容量分析方法与计算结果。首先回顾了CPM系统的基本概念及其有限状态马尔可夫模型,并对AWGN信道下CPM的可达信息速率计算方法进行了讨论;然后将其推广到Rayleigh衰落信道,推导出在该信道下计算CPM容量的算法。考虑了接收端已知信道状态信息及未知信道状态信息2种情况。在导出容量计算的算法后,通过Monte Carlo仿真给出了在AWGN及Rayleigh衰落信道下几种典型CPM方案的容量曲线。
The study of the capacity of CPM systems was concerned with. The definition as well as the Fi-nite-State-Machine (FSM) model of CPM was introduced. The development of calculating the capacity of CPM over AWGN channels was first reviewed. Then this methodology was generalized to deal with Rayleigh fading channels. The Monte-Carlo based algorithms were derived to calculate the capacity of CPM over Rayleigh fading channels with and without knowing channel-state-information(CSI). The proposed algorithms were justified by some numerical results of some typical CPM schemes.