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  • 期刊名称:《硅酸盐学报》,2007,35(11):1556-1560
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:TL99[核科学技术—核技术及应用] TQ174[化学工程—陶瓷工业;化学工程—硅酸盐工业]
  • 作者机构:[1]郑州大学物理工程学院,郑州450052, [2]河南省文物考古研究所,郑州450004, [3]中国科学院高能物理研究所,北京100080
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金(50572097);河南省杰出青年基金(0612000300);河南省自然科学基金(0511013900);河南省高校青年骨干教师资助项目.
  • 相关项目:汝官瓷原料来源、着色机理和烧制技术的数据库研究

为了探讨宝丰清凉寺窑汝瓷与汝州张公巷窑青瓷釉之间的关系,选取清凉寺窑汝官瓷釉样品31个,汝民瓷釉样品4个和张公巷窑青瓷釉样品32个,用中子活化分析(neutron activation analysis,NAA)测定每个样品中的24种元素的含量,并将NAA数据进行主成分分析及等级聚类分析。结果表明:常见着色元素Fe和Co汝官瓷釉的含量显著高于张公巷窑青瓷釉样品;汝官瓷釉料配方比较稳定,原料来源集中;汝民瓷釉料产地分散,且与汝官瓷釉料配方明显不同;张公巷窑青瓷釉料比较分散,但大部分样品与汝官瓷关系较近。由此,可以推断清凉寺窑与张公巷窑之间存在一定的联系。


Thirty-one samples of ancient Ru official porcelain glazes and four Ru folk porcelain glazes unearthed from the Qingliangsi kill in the town of Baofeng and thirty-two samples of ancient Chinese porcelain glazes from the Zhanggongxiang kiln in the town of Ruzhou were selected and analyzed by using neutron activation analysis. Twenty-four elements were measured. The data of these elemental contents were investigated by principle component factor analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis in order to determine the correlation between the various sample glazes from the Qingliangsi and Zhanggongxiang kilns. The results indicate that Ru official porcelain glazes have higher content of Fe and Co, which are the common coloring elements, compared to the ancient porce- lain glazes from the Zhanggongxiang kill; the sources of the raw materials and the formula of Ru official porcelain glazes are stable and obviously different from those of Ru folk porcelain glazes, whose chemical compositions are scattered; and the chemical compositions of the glaze from the Zhanggongxiang kill are also scattered and, most of the sample glazes from the Zhanggongxiang kill are similar to gu official porcelain glazes. Therefore, the Zhanggongxiang kiln is related to the Qingliangsi kiln.
