采用气相色谱质谱联用(GC-MS)技术,建立了原油中金刚烷化合物内标法半定量的分析方法,确定了基于谱图特征和计算保留指数的组分定性方法,对26种单金刚烷、双金刚烷化合物进行了定性与定量分析。对不同地理位置海上油井平台6个原油金刚烷指纹进行了分析。研究表明,原油中单金刚烷总含量在200~1200 mg/g之间,双金刚烷总含量在30~150 mg/g之间;各原油中单金刚烷的含量较双金刚烷的含量较高,占金刚烷总量的70%以上;不同地理位置的原油中单金刚烷含量的分布规律:渤海海区〈涠洲岛海区〈进口原油;进口原油双金刚烷含量高于国内原油,渤海与涠洲岛原油中双金刚烷含量无一定规律。同一区块不同采油平台原油中金刚烷指纹比较相似,不同来源的原油中金刚烷化合物的分布特征及含量有很大的差异。通过此方法可以实现不同原油的准确鉴别。
A semiquantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) with internal standard method was developed for the fingerprinting analysis of diamondoid compounds in crude oils. Based on the chromatograms properties and the calculated retention indices, 26 diamondoid compounds were analyzed qualitatively and the concentration formula of semiquantitative using the internal standard (d16-adamandane) were provided. Diamondoids fingerprinting of 6 crude oils from different offshore oil platform were analyzed. The result revealed that the concentrations of adamantanes were in the range of 200 μg/g to 1200 p.g/g for adamantanes with exception of 30 μg/g to 150 μg/g for diamantanes in 6 crude oils. The abundance of adamantanes was higher than diamantanes accounting for more than 70 percent of diamondoids; Generally, the abundances of diamondoids in different oils follows a increasing order of Bohai sea〈WeiZhou island〈crude oil imports for adamantanes and domestic crude oil〈crude oil imports for diamantanes, while there is no certain rules between Bohai sea and Weizhou island in distribution of diamantanes. Crude oils from different offshore oil platform but the same block exhibit very similar diamondiod signatures, in contrast, oils from different sources have different signatures of both the concentrations and relative distribution patterns of diamondoid compounds. Fingerprinting analysis of diamondoid compounds in crude oils by semiquantitative method can achieve the identification of different crude oils.