E-mail: {pengshaoliang}@nudt.edu.cn Shao-Liang Peng received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), China in 2008, the M.S. degree in computer science from NUDT in 2004, and the B.S. degree in mathematics from NUDT in 2001. He is currently an assistant professor in NUDT. His research interests include data transmission inwireless sensor networks, P2P, and simulations. He is a member of IEEE, ACM and CCF. E-mail: {shanshanli}@nudt.edu.cn Shan-Shan Li received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), China in 2007, the M.S. degree from NUDT in 2004, and the B.S. degree from Nanchang University, China in 2001, all in computer science. She is currently an assistant professor in NUDT. Her research interests include wirelesssensor networks, data base and operating systems. E-mail: { xkliao}@nudt.edu.cn Xiang-Ke Liao is a professor at the School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology. His research areas are computer architecture, operating systems and distributed systems. E-mail: {yxpeng}@nudt.edu.cn Yu-Xing Peng is a Ph.D. and professor at the School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology. His research areas are distributed systems and network appli- cation. E-mail: {nongxiao}@nudt.edu.cn Nong Xiao is a Ph.D. and professor at the School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology. His research areas are com- puter architecture, grid computing and wireless networks. He is a member of IEEE, ACM and CCF.