首次对中国海南的长尾小蜂科Torymidae进行了系统分类研究,共记录8属10种,其中发现中国新记录种4种:合欢大痣长尾小蜂Megastigmus albizziae Mukerji、印度螳小蜂Podagrion indiensis Narendran、爬行螳小蜂Podagrion repens(Motschulsky)和阿根廷齿腿长尾小蜂Monodontomerus argentinus Brèthes。编制了属级检索表及部分种级检索表,提供了10个种的形态描述。研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。
This is the first study of the family Torymidae in Hainan, China. This paper describes 8 genera and 10 species (4 are newly-recorded species in China). A key to the 8 genera is provided. The 10 species are described in detail. Specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.