森林景观模型(forest landscape models)是基于森林动态机制和干扰作用在景观尺度上模拟和预测森林时空变化特征的计算机模型。该类模型越来越多地用于森林规划、经营管理、生态资源保护与恢复及全球气候变化研究。本文通过对大量文献资料的整理,对森林景观模型的概念、尺度、类型、方法、应用和最新研究进展进行了综述。随着计算机、地理信息系统、遥感等技术的迅猛发展,森林景观模型将会越来越多地与地理信息系统、规划经营管理决策等紧密结合,未来将向服务性决策模型方向发展。
Forest landscape models simulate temporal change of forests using spatially referenced data across a broad spatial scale(landscape scale) generally larger than a single forest stand. Spatial interactions between forest stands are a key component of such models. These models can incorporate other spatiotemporal processes such as natural disturbances(e.g., wildfires, hurricanes, outbreaks of native and exotic invasive pests and diseases) and human influences(e.g., harvesting and commercial thinning, planting, fire suppression). The models are increasingly used as tools for studying forest management, ecological assessment, restoration planning, and examining the impact of climate change. In this article, we define forest landscape models and discuss their development, components, and types. We also review commonly used methods and approaches in modeling, their applications, and the strengths and limitations of different forest landscape models. New developments in computer sciences, geographic information systems(GIS), remote sensing technologies,decision-support systems, and geo-spatial statistics have provided opportunities for developing new generations of forest landscape models that are more valuable in ecological research, restoration planning, and resource management.