To explore individual differentiation of users' tagging motivation in social tagging systems, viewing from the perspective of users' activity, the relationships between users' activity and their tagging motivation are studied based on theories of information entropy. After two types of basic tagging motivations of "selfish" and "altruistic" in social tagging systems are distinguished, the measures used to describe users' tagging motivation, such as the encoding entropy, the decoding entropy and the degree of self-utility, are defined by regarding the social tagging system as a digital communication system. An empirical study is carried out with the data from Last. fm and Delicious. The empirical results show that users' tagging behavior not only serves to share resources which is "altruistic" also serves to discover and retrieve resources for themselves which is the "selfish", and the "self- utility" is enhanced and is gradually stabilized in the "self-utility" level of the system with the increasing of users' activity. The empirical results are further explained from the functions and popularization of tags, and some suggestions for both tagging users and service providers of social tagging system are given.