The Internet-scale software repositories are fundamentally changing the paradigms of software development. Efficient categorization of the massive software these repositories is of vital importance for Internet-based software development. traditional projects in Traditional classification approaches do coarse-grained and flat categorization by analyzing source code or byte code, and most of them are only verified on relatively small collections of software projects. In this paper, we propose an efficient hierarchical categorization approach based on the aggregation of the software online attributes and design a hierarchical categorization framework. Based on the weighted aggregation of software descriptions and tags across multiple repositories, we cate- gorize the massive software hierarchically. Extensive experiments are carried out on more than 18,000 software projects. The results show that significant improvement can be achieved by using weighted aggregation of different online attributes. Compared to the previous work, our approach achieves/gains competitive performance with 123 hierarchical and finer-grained categories for which classification is much harder. In contrast to those using source code or byte code, our approach is more effective for large-scale categorization.