The diel migration of zooplankton is closely related to the population fluctuation and feeding rhythm,and the study on the diel migration of zooplankton has become an important part of their community dynamics.In the present study,the diel vertical migration of zooplankton was studied by acoustic Doppler current profiler(ADCP)and laser particle analyzer(LISST-100)over 24 hoff the coast of Zhejiang Province in summer 2013.The time series of backscatter coefficient(Sv)calculated by ADCP echo intensity and particle size spectrum from LISST-100 are used to study the vertical migration of zooplankton and its characteristics.Euchaeta concinnashowed a remarkable diurnal vertical migration with a mean vertical speed is about 0.05 m/s.It feed in the thermocline at night,and hide in the bottom Taiwan warm water at daytime.It can be found from particle size spectrum that the large particle aggregate,meanwhile particles with size of 100-150μm decrease in the thermocline at the night.The particle size of suspended particles has obvious diel rhythms in the water column,which indicate that there should be diurnal variation of biological community structure in different water level.